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AFB - ghid de instalare a automatizatii sau cutii de comanda

AFB - ghid de instalare a automatizatii sau cutii de comanda


Physical appearance of AFB

Internal structure

(1) Heat exchanger

(2) MCB

(3) Power distribution unit

(4) External grounding bar

(5) Maintenance socket

(6) User devices

(7) AC/DC rectifier

Devices installed in the AFB before delivery

(1) AC input wiring terminal (for heat exchanger)

(2) DC input wiring terminal (for heat exchanger)

(3) Internal grounding bar

(4) Mounting bar

(5) Cable hole

(6) Fiber coiler

(7) Surge protection module

(8) Cover of the power distribution unit

Cable holes

(1) GPS

(2) Tran 2, Tran 3

(3) F.O.0 to F.O.5

(4) Tran 0, Tran 1

(5) SPARE 0, SPARE 1

(6) AC IN

(7) AC LOAD 0 to AC LOAD 3

(8) Nut

(9) Waterproof filler

(10) Waterproof stick

Installation instruction for AFB

Application Scenarios of AFB

Installation instructions

Installing the AFB Case on metal pole

Installing the AFB Case on the wall

Installing the AC/DC Rectifier

Installing the Transmission Device

Installing AFB Cables

Installing the PGND cable

(1) Grounding bar at your site

(2) External grounding bar of the AFB

(3) Device connected to the AFB

Installing the AC Input Power Cable of the AFB Removing the cover

Leading the cable in

Routing the AC and DC power cables separately

(1) AC power cable

(2) DC power cable

Connecting and routing the cables

(1) PE wire (green and yellow)

(2) L wire (brown) and N wire (blue)

(3) Grounding terminal of the PE wire

(4) AC wiring terminal (for input

Installing the AC Output Power Cable of the AFB

Connections of the AC output power cable

(1) PE wire (green and yellow)

(2) L wire (brown) and N wire (blue)

(3) Grounding terminal of the PE wire

(4) AC wiring terminal (for output)

Installing the AC Input Power Cable to the AC/DC Rectifier

Just connect the AC connector to AC power socket on the AC/DC rectifier

Installing the DC Output Power Cable to the AC/DC Rectifier

Installing the Sun Shield of the AFB

Checklists for BBU3806 Hardware Installation


Check Items

The redundant part of the power cable or PGND cable is stripped off rather than coiled.

The lugs at both ends of the power cable or PGND cable are securely soldered or crimped.

The bare wires and lugs at the wiring terminals are tightly wrapped up with insulating tapes or heat-shrinkable tubes.

The flat washers and spring washers are well mounted to all wiring terminals.

The power cable and PGND cable are routed separately from other cables.

Both ends of each cable are legible. That is, both ends of the cable are labeled.

  • For indoor cable installation, the extra cable ties should be stripped off. All cuts are smooth without sharp projections.
  • For outdoor cable installation, extra cable ties of 3 mm to 5 mm are reserved.

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