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Usb card reader user manual

Usb card reader user manual

USB Card Reader


Brief Introduction

Product Features

System Requirement


Check the installation result

Uninstall Driver

1. Brief Introduction

This is a memory cardst¯ Reader/Writer device, which can read and write information from CF / MD / XD / SM / MMC / SD / MS cards. For example, your computer can read and store all the photos via this device after you take photos by Digital camera. 2. Product Features

Plug and play , compliant with USB specification 2.0 Bus powered from Ethernet USB Port
Compact and portable shape
Support Windows 98SE / ME / 2000 / XP and Mac OS/vista
Only under Windows 98SE/ME operating system , it needs driver

3. System Requirement

         IBM PC and compatible 486DX-100 MHz CUP or higher .

         Available USB port

         CD-ROM Drive

         At least 16MB storage

4. USB Card Reader installation process

Please follow the below process to install USB Card Reader Driver

Start your computer and check if the USB port is available and runs well .

During installation , please dont¯t link USB Card Reader with your computer .

Double click t® setup.exe t¯ ( image 1 ) , then it will show the following installation interface ( image 2 / image 3 )


( Images

( Images

After installation , click t® OK t¯ ( image ) , restart your computer .

( Images4

Please connect the USB card reader to a spare USB port on your computer after you restart it , system will detect the USB card reader and install its driver automatically.

Check the installation result

1. Please use the right-key to click t® My Computer t¯ , and choose t® Properties t¯ to open t® System Properties t¯ ( image


If you see t®Realtek USB Card Reader device from t°Universal Serial Bus controllerst± , it means you installed the driver successfully . ( image


Double click t® My Computer t¯ ( image ) in your desktop , you can see icons ( image ) in it  



Uninstall USB card readers driver

please follow the path t° Start t± / t° Settings t± / t° Control Panel t± / t° Add Remove Programst± (Images ), Opent° Add/Remove Programs t±window (Images14)



Please choose t°Realtek USB Card Reader Software, and then click t°Add / Remove (R) t±in the down right conner (Images1


Click t° OK t± , just follow the uninstalling program cue to uninstall USB card readert¯s driver (Images




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