What is PowerPoint?
PowerPoint is a complete
presentation graphics package. It gives you everything you need to produce a
professional-looking presentation. PowerPoint offers word processing,
outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management tools- all designed
to be easy to use and learn.
The following gives you a quick overview of what you can do in PowerPoint:
When you
create a presentation using PowerPoint, the presentation is made up of a series
of slides. The slides that you create using PowerPoint can also
be presented as overhead transparencies or 35mm slides.
In addition to
slides, you can print audience handouts, outlines, and speaker's notes.
You can format
all the slides in a presentation using the powerful Slide Master which
will be covered in the tutorial.
You can keep
your entire presentation in a single file- all your slides, speaker's notes,
and audience handouts.
You can import
what you have created in other Microsoft products, such as Word and Excel into any
of your slides.
Now that you know what
features PowerPoint offers it's time to learn how to work in PowerPoint.
Started and Working in PowerPoint
This tutorial is unlike
the others you have seen in class. The PowerPoint tutorial will be text based.
To get the most out of this tutorial it is best to run PowerPoint, so that you
can experiment with the concepts that are mentioned in the tutorial.
and open PowerPoint.
When the Tip of the day dialog box appears,
it and click on the OK button.
The following PowerPoint dialog box should appear, asking you how you
want to create your new presentation.

Here is a brief description of the options under the Create a New
Presentation Using title.
Wizard- takes you through the
creation of a simple presentation step by step.
Pick a Look
Wizard- this wizard helps you make
choices on how your presentation will look.
Template- PowerPoint provides 160 templates that you can
choose from. The templates are created by professional artists and offer design
choices in black and white as well as in color.
Presentation- this option allows
you to select slides and format them individually.
Blank Presentation and click on the OK button.
the New Slide dialog box select the Title Slide option.
Your screen should look as follows:

This is your title slide
you can enter the title and sub-title here. Note that if your toolbars are not
visible, choose Toolbars from the View menu and make your
with your title slide by entering in text, changing the color of the text,
changing the font size etc.
Now that you have been introduced to a slide, it is time to learn about
PowerPoint's different Views.
PowerPoint Views
PowerPoint gives you four
views in which you create and organize your presentation. As you create a
presentation, you can switch among the four views as you work.
The four PowerPoint views are:
Slide View-
To be in Slide view you click on the following button located in the
bottom-left hand corner of any slide: (
The Slide view shows a single slide. In Slide view, you work on one slide at at
time. Here, you can type your slide title and body, add other text to the
slide, draw shapes, add clip art, choose a color scheme, make a graph, etc. In
Slide view, you have access to all the tools on the Tool Palette as well as
buttons on the Toolbar.
Outline View-
To be in Outline view you click on the following button located in the
bottom-left hand corner of any slide: (
The Outline view shows all the titles and body text in your presentation. In
Outline view, you can move slides around within your presentation and also edit
your text.
on the Outline view button (
to view your title slide in this view.
Slide Sorter View-
To be in Slide Sorter view you click on the following button located in the
bottom-left hand corner of any slide: (
The Slide Sorter view shows you a minature of each slide in your presentation.
You can drag slides around on the screen to reposition them in this view. You
can also select and copy multiple slides should you want to use them in other
on the Slide Sorter view button (
to view your title slide in this view.
Notes View-
To be in Notes view you click on the following button located in the
bottom-left hand corner of any slide: (
The Notes view lets you create speaker's notes. Each page corresponds to a
slide in your presentation and includes a reduce image of the slide. You can
draw and type in Notes view the way you can in Slide View.
on the Notes view button (
to view your title slide in this view.
You now know all of PowerPoint's views. There is one more button located in the
bottom- left hand corner of any slide:(
This is the Slide Show button. The Slide Show button runs a slide show
starting from the currently selected slide.
Now that you know all of PowerPoint's views it is time to learn how to work
within a slide. In general, presentations will be based on a Master Slide.
The next topic in the tutorial will focus on understanding PowerPoint Masters.
PowerPoint Slide Masters and Templates
A PowerPointSlide
Master contains objects that you want to appear on each slide in your
presentation. With a Slide Master, you only have to create an item once and
PowerPoint will automatically include them on every slide. Some things are set
up by PowerPoint (for example; place for slide title and text) so you don't
have to create them each time. If you want to add additional items to a master,
you can at any time. The Slide Master has boxes already set up for the slide
title and text. They're called the Master Title and the Master
Body object. The format of these objects determines the way your text
will look on each slide. You can always make slides look different from the
Slide Master, but a Slide Master gives you a consistent starting point.
The Slide Master is flexible. You can move objects around, add art, add
headings or labels, change colors and fonts.
As you create a slide, you have the option of using or not using the elements
from the Slide Master. To change the entire presentation, you simply change the
format of the Slide Master. PowerPoint will then change all your slides
PowerPoint also offers
templates. A template is a presentation containing PowerPoint masters and a
color scheme. PowerPoint offers 160 pre-designed templates to help you get
started quickly. Applying a template to a presentation you are creating means
the design work is already done for you.
You can apply a template when you are just starting a presentation, or you can
create a presentation and apply the template later.
Now that you have learned about PowerPoint masters and templates it is time to
learn create a slide.
a Master Slide
PowerPoint running, choose Master from the View menu, then select
Slide Master from the Master submenu.
This is your slide master. Let's start with formatting the Master title style.
on the Title Area for AutoLayouts.
Font from the Format menu, and change the font style, color, and
size of the text.
This formatting will be the same on each new slides Title Area .
To observe this,
on the New Slide button (
located in the bottom right corner of the screen.
a slide that contains a title area.
in the title area of your new slide and type some text.
The text format should duplicate that of the Master Slide.
Let's format the bullets that will appear on each slide, by formatting them on
the Master Slide.
Slide Master from the View menu.
the first line of text in the Object Area for Autolayouts.
Bullet from the format menu and pick a different style bullet.
You now know how to format items on the Master Slide.
In addition to formatting text and bullets you can also format the following:
Experiment with these on
your own.
PowerPoint also has a number of features you can use to display your slides
when you are giving a slide show. This will be the last topic covered in this
and Build Slides
When you display your
presentation electronically as a slide show, the slides take up the full
screen. All the tools, menus, and other screen elements are hidden so as not to
detract from your show. Your computer becomes the equivalent of a slide
PowerPoint offers a number of features you can use when you run your slide
You can use
special effects, such as transitions and builds, to add variety.
You can
practice giving your presentation and set automated timings for your slides to
match your rehearsal times.
In this part of the
tutorial we will discuss transitions and builds.
A build slide is a slide
that starts with the first major bullet point and shows more major bullet
points as the presentation proceeds. You decide whether you want to dim
previous points on the slide as new points appear and what effect you want to
use when the bullet points appear (for instance, bullet points can fly in from
the right, left, top, or bottom).
Transititions moves one
slide off the screen and brings the next one on. Fading from black and
dissolving from one slide to another are two examples of transitions. You have
a choice of transitions for each slide, plus you can vary the speed of each
Transitions to Your Slide Show
A transition refers to the
way one slide moves off the screen and the next slide appears. When you set
your transitions, you can also set how long you want each slide to appear on
the screen.
To set transitions and timing:
Transition from the Tools menu.
the transition from the drop-down list.
how fast you want the transition to take place- Slow, Medium, or Fast.
how you want to advance to the next slide and, if need be, set the timing.
If you want the slide to advance automatically, you need to decide how long the
slide should appear on-screen before advancing to the next slide:
Only on Mouse Click- The slide advances manually with a mouse click.
Automatically After [N] Seconds- Type the number of seconds you want the
slide on the screen. During the presentation, the slide advances automatically
when the time is up.
the OK button.
a Build Slide
A build slide is one that
seems to build on itself, showing progressively more information as the
presentation proceeds.
To create a build slide:
To start you must have a slide which contains bullets.
Build from the Tools menu.
the options you want to use in building the slide.
on the OK button.
You have successfully completed the PowerPoint tutorial!
Description: Listed below
are many common tasks that you would use while working in PowerPoint. To find
out how to perform these tasks click on the appropriate link below and it will
guide you in a step by step fashion by
providing detailed directions and screen shots to visually assist you.
Starting From Scratch One way to start your presentation
is to start from scratch. In this way you are starting out with a blank
presentation. You can then design your own background choices. You would not be
using a template design. To start a presentation from scratch follow these
Open up PowerPoint.
A PowerPoint dialog box will open.
Click on the radio button that says blank
Click OK.
Your new
presentation will open. Choose your slide layout and click OK.
You can now
start working on your presentation or start designing the background that you
would like to use for this show.
Open Existing
Presentations To continue working on a previous
presentation you would have to open that file instead of starting a new one. To
open up an existing file follow these steps:
Open up PowerPoint.
A PowerPoint dialog box will open.
Click on the radio button existing presentation.
If your presentation is listed in the box you can
just double click on it to open it up. If they don't show up in the box just
leave more files selected and click on OK.
The Open dialog box would then open. Choose your
file and click on Open.
You can then
continue working on your file.
Using A Template You can use the built in
templates that PowerPoint provides to begin your presentation. In this way
you will have a consistent design that goes together. The template will
include your background as well as font styles, colors and sizes for your
placeholders, as well as selected bullets that match the template. There are
many templates built in and you can choose the one that best suits your
needs. To begin your presentation using a template follow these steps:
Open up PowerPoint.
A PowerPoint dialog box will open.
Click on the radio button that says Design
Click OK.
The new
presentation dialog box will open.
You can click on the different file names for the
template designs and you will see a preview window that displays what the
template looks like. You can look under the Presentation tab, Presentation
Designs tab as well as Design Templates tab. If you previously had Office 97
you may have an Office 97 templates tab that you can look through as well.
Double click
on the design that you like and your presentation will open with that
template choice.

Adding New Slides While working on your presentation
you will often need to add new slides. To add a new slide to your presentation
follow these steps:
While in slide
view or normal view click on the new slide icon from the standard toolbar. 
Go to Insert on the menu bar and choose new slide
or click on Control + M. You can also click on the drop down from the common
tasks menu bar found on the formatting toolbar and choose new slide.
The Slide
layout dialog box will open.
Choose the
slide layout that best fits the slide you are adding.
Click on
Your new slide
will be added.
PowerPoint Views There are six different views
found in PowerPoint. The default is the Normal view. The six views and what
they are best used for are show below.
Normal View
Tri Pane View. You can view notes, outline and your slide all at once.
Slide View
Best used when working on your slides individually. The majority of
the screen space is for your slide for easier viewing.
Slide Sorter View
Allows you to view all of your slides at once. Great for moving
slides around and deleting or just looking at the flow of your show.
Outline View
Best for working on adding your text for the show. Work in an
outline format.
Notes Page View
View a small image of the slide along with space to write your
speaker notes.
Slide Show
This is for previewing and actually running the show. The slides
will be full screen.
To change your views follow these steps:
Click on the
view button on the bottom left hand side of the PowerPoint screen.
Go to View on the menu bar and choose the best view
to suit your needs.
Deleting Slides There are a few ways to delete
slides. If you want to delete one slide and you are in normal or slide view
follow these steps:
With the slide open go to Edit on the menu bar and
choose delete slide.
If you have a few slides to delete then
you may be better off to delete them in slide sorter view. Get in slide sorter
view and follow these steps:
Click on the slide you want to delete and hold the
shift key down while you click on the other slides you want to delete.
Click on the
delete or backspace key and the slides will be deleted.
Moving Slides You may find that as you or your
students are working on your presentation you may need to move the slide order
around. To best do this you should be in the slide sorter view. Once in that
view follow these steps:
Click on the slide that you want to move and hold
the mouse button down while you move the slide to the desired location. You
will see a vertical bar as you move the slides. When the bar is in front of the
slide where you want to position your slide release the mouse button and the
slides will be moved to the new position.
Applying Design Templates If you are working on your
presentation and at any given time you decide that you would like to apply a
design template or change the one you are currently using follow these steps:
Right click on the slide you are working on in
either the slide view or normal view.
Click on Apply Design Template. ( You can also
just click on the down arrow for common tasks and choose Apply Design
Click on the design you would like to use and
click on the Apply button.
Your new
design will be applied.

Adding Backgrounds You can create your own
backgrounds when working in FrontPage. If you start a new presentation by
choosing blank when you start, you can
build and design your own background instead of using the design templates.
You can add a solid color, gradient, texture, pattern, or even a picture for
your background. To design your own background follow these steps:
Open up PowerPoint and choose blank presentation.
Right click on the slide and choose Background or
go to Format on the menu bar and choose Background.
The background dialog box will open.
Follow the
set of directions that pertain to the type of background you want to add:
color, gradient, texture, pattern or picture.
Click on the down arrow and choose one of the
colors shown or click on More Colors and pick the color you would like for
your background.
Click on OK.
Click on Apply to apply to the current slide you
are on or Apply to All to apply to all of your slides.
Your new
color will be added.
Click on the down arrow and choose Fill Effects.
Make sure you are on the Gradient tab.
You can choose One Color, Two Color or Present.
Present are previously created gradients that you can choose from. If you
choose two color Click on the down arrow to make your two color choices.
Click on the radio button next to shading styles.
Under Variants, click on the design that you like
for your gradient.
Click on OK.
Click on Apply to apply to the current slide you
are on or Apply to All to apply to all of your slides.
Your new
gradient color will be added.
Click on the down arrow and choose Fill Effects.
Click on the Texture tab.
Click on one of the textures designs that are
listed there. If you want to bring in your own texture from a file that you
have saved you can click on Other Texture and go out and find the file that
you want to use.
Click on OK.
Click on Apply to apply to the current slide you
are on or Apply to All to apply to all of your slides.
Your new
texture will be added.
Click on the down arrow and choose Fill Effects.
Click on the
Picture tab.
Click on
select picture and go find the graphic file that you want to use.
Click on OK.
Click on
Apply to apply to the current slide you are on or Apply to All to apply to
all of your slides.
Your new
background with a graphic will be added.
With Text
Adding Textboxes One way to add text to your slide
is to add a text box. You will then have to format the text to the desired
type. To add a text box follow these steps:
Click on the text box icon found on the drawing
Click and drag the box in the desired
Type your text.
Click outside of the box and the lines will
To edit the text just click inside the box and
make your corrections just as you would with a word processor.
Adding Placeholders A quick way to add your text and
have it automatically formatted is to add a placeholder. These work great for
your titles and subtitles. That way each slide will have a consistency in
formatting. To add a placeholder follow these steps:
Click on the down arrow for Common Tasks and choose
Slide layout. You can also right click on your slide and choose slide layout.
Click on Apply or Reapply.
placeholder will appear. Click inside and start typing. The placeholder's
formatting is preset if you are using a design template.
Formatting Text There are a couple of different
ways to format your text once you type it in. You can either use the menu bar
or the Formatting toolbar. To format your text to change things like font,
color, style, size etc. follow these steps:
Select your text by either highlighting it or
click on the diagonal lines that surround the text so that it turns to little
dots. When you do this any formatting you add will effect everything in the
Using the formatting toolbar choose the
formatting that you want to add from the standard toolbar. There are buttons
and drop downs for font, size, style, and alignment.
You can also go to Format on the menu bar
and choose font. The font dialog box
will open. Make your changes within the dialog box.
Click OK and
your changes will occur.

Working With Graphics
Adding Images From Clipart One task you will be performing
often would be to add images to your page. You can bring in images that you
have saved or you can use Microsoft's Clip Gallery which has thousands of
images, photos, and animations. It is also searchable making it easier to
find the type of image you want to use. To use the clip gallery follow these
Go to Insert on the menu bar and choose Picture
and then Clip Art or you can click on the Clip Gallery icon from the drawing
The Clip Gallery will open.
Either click on the category you want to look
through or type in a keyword for what you are looking for and hit enter.
The images will appear. When you find the one you
like click on it and click on the insert icon.
You can at
this point add additional images or if you are done close the clip gallery
window and your image will be placed on your slide.

Adding Images From
File You can add your own images that
you have saved or have access to. To add images from file follow these steps:
In slide view go to Insert on the menu bar and then
Picture and click on From File.
Choose the picture that you have saved.
Click on Insert.
You can then
resize your image if you need to and move it to the appropriate location.
Adding Animated Gifs One way to spruce up your
presentations is to add animated gifs. This is new to PowerPoint 2000. Animated
gifs did not work in previous versions. Adding this type of file is really no
different than adding an image. You will not see the animation while in the
regular view. You have to be in the slide show to see them.
Go to Insert on the menu bar and choose clipart if
you want to find animated gifs that are in the Clip Gallery. They are listed
under the motion tab. You can also choose from file and find your own animated
Get into the
slide show view and you can see what the animation will look like.
Adding Transitions You can add transitions that
occur between your slides. As your show moves from slide to slide you have an
animated transition between them. It is a nice effect to add to your show. It
is easiest if you add your transitions while in the slide sorter view. You
can add the same transition to each slide or you can pick different
transitions. To add transitions follow these steps:
Get in the slide sorter view.
Click on the Slide Transition button from the
slide sorter toolbar.
The slide transition dialog box will open.
Click on the down arrow and choose the type of
transition you want to use. You will see a little preview in the effect
Choose if you want the transition to be slow,
medium, or fast.
If you want a sound attributed to the transition
then click on the down arrow next to sound and choose the sound you want to
If you want your transition to run when you click
the mouse then put a check in 'On mouse click'. If you want the
animation to occur automatically put a check in that box and put a number for
the amount of seconds you want to wait until the transition occurs.
Click on
Apply to All if you want that same transition to occur after each slide or
Apply if you just want to add it to the one slide.

Adding Animations You can take any of the images in
your presentation and animate them. That is what really brings your
presentation to life. There are many different types of animations to choose
from. To animate an image follow these steps:
Right click on your image and choose custom
animation or click on your image and go to Slide Show form the menu bar and
choose custom animation.
Click on the down arrow next to entry animation and
sound. Choose one of the animation types. Another drop down may become active
where you can further define the action the image will take.
Click on the order and timing tab.
Leave on mouse click if you want to click to have
your animation occur or click on the radio button for automatically and put in
the number of seconds you want to wait before the action occurs.
Click on OK.
Get into the
Slide Show mode and check out your animation.
Adding Sounds There are many different ways to
add sound to your PowerPoint presentation. You can add sound effects to
images, add sound icons you can click on or even just have your music play
throughout the whole show. Your sound clips should be in either the wav or
mid format. There are a few other less common file types you can use. You can
also use a CD and play that while you are giving your presentation. To insert
sound into your presentation follow these steps: Go to Insert on the menu bar and choose Movies
and Sounds and then sound from gallery
if you want to pick a sound file from Microsoft's Gallery or choose
from file if you have a saved sound file you want to use.
Find the sound file that you have access to and
double click on it.
A dialog box will open up and ask you if you want
your sound to play throughout the whole show.
Click Yes if you want it to play automatically
and no if you do not.
An icon will be inserted into your presentation.
Get into
Slide Show mode and your sound should automatically start if you choose that
or click if you did not and your sound should play.

Finishing Up
Spelling One very important step in working
with PowerPoint is to make sure you perform a spell check on your presentation.
You should also proofread it as well. It can be quite embarrassing to find
mistakes while you are presenting. To run a spell check follow these steps:
With your presentation open click on the spelling
icon from the standard toolbar. 
You can also go to Tools Spelling or hit F7. A
spell check will be run on your show.
When typing in
PowerPoint if you get a red squiggly line under your text that is an indication
that your word may be incorrectly spelled. You can right click on the word and
choose one of the words listed or choose ignore if the word was spelled correctly.
Running The Show To run your show, check it out, or when it is for the real
presentation follow these steps:
If you want to start at the beginning of your
presentation then go to Slide Show from the menu bar and choose View Show or
hit F5.
If you want to
begin looking at your show starting at the slide you currently have open in
normal or slide view then click on the slide show icon from the views icon. 
Using The Pen Feature The pen is a neat tool that you
can use while in your presentation. You can draw on your slide for effect.
You can write on your slide. To activate and use the pen follow these steps:
While in the slide show mode either right click
on the slide and choose Pointer Options and then pen or you can click on the
icon on the bottom left of the screen and
choose Pointer Options and then pen. You can also use the keyboard
command of Control +P to activate the pen and Control + A will bring the
arrow back.
You can then draw on the slide.
To chance the pen color right click on the slide
and choose Pointer Options then pen color and click on the color of your
To erase the
pen from the slide while in the slide show view hit E on the keyboard and it
will erase the pen.

Saving You should periodically save your
show as you are working. I like to start out by saving my show and then hitting
the save icon every 5 or ten minutes as I work. To save your presentation
follow these steps:
If it is the first time you are saving your show go
to File on the menu bar and choose Save As.
Choose the location for saving your file and give
your file a name.
Click on Save.
If you have
saved your show before you can click on the save icon from the standard toolbar
of to to File Save.
Saving As A Web Page One really cool thing you can do
with your PowerPoint files is to post them on the web. The process with which
the program is able to keep the integrity of the show and change it to html
code it amazing. The shows look great online. You can bring your presentation
with you by just having Internet Access. You can also post your presentations
so students and parents can have access to them anytime, anywhere. To saver
your show as a web page follow these steps:
up your presentation.
Go to
File on the menu bar and choose Save As A Web Page.
Save As dialog box will open.
on the down arrow next to Save in and point to the area of your web server
where you have access.
on the Publish button.
Publish as a Web Page dialog box will open.
is where you will make selections customizing how your presentation will be
displayed. Under Publish What complete presentation if you want to publish all
or choose the slides you want to publish. Leave the check next to display
speaker notes if you want them to be available.
Browser Support make the choice of Microsoft
Internet Explorer 4.0 or later ( high fidelity) if you want your presentation
to be viewed only in Internet Explorer. This takes full advantage of the
presentation and allows you to view in full screen. This method of saving looks
the best.
under file name type in the path where you want to save (on your web server) or
click on the Browse button to browse to it.
on the Web Options button.
web options dialog box opens.
on the drop down next to the Colors box and choose the colors you want for the
text with and background of the Outline.
your choice of options under the tabs presented in the Web Options dialog
box. (I typically leave the defaults
on OK.
on Publish.
you save this it created two files. If you called your show summerday then
after saving the file you would have created a folder called summerday_files
and an htm file called summerday.htm. If you are using FrontPage you can import
these files into your web. Create a link to the summerday.htm file. When your
visitors click on this link it will open up the PowerPoint show.
Your show should open
up in a browser to show you what it would look like.
Printing You can print out your presentation in different
format. All of the variations of the printing types can be found in the print
dialog box. Listed in the table below are the types of printing you can do.
To print your presentation follow these steps:
Go to File on the menu bar and choose
The Print dialog box will appear. It may
look different than the one displayed here. The dialog box varies depending
on your particular type of printer. You should have basically the same
options however.
Choose what you want to print, all slides,
particular slides, or the current slide.
Enter the number of copies you want to
print. Check if you want them collated.
Choose what you want to print: slides,
handouts, notes pages, or outline view.
Click on OK.
Prints out each slide on a full
Here you have choices for
2,3,4,6,or 9 slides per page. If you choose 3 then your slides will also
have lines to the write for note taking purposes. You also have a choice to
order then on the page horizontally or vertically.
Note Pages
Prints out one small version of
each slide per page with your notes section on the bottom of the page.
Outline View
Prints out the outline view of your